Foot Pain

Your feet are critical in allowing your body to physically move around. They bear the weight of your entire body, and are readily used on a daily basis. They are also critical to the proper function of all the joints above them, including the knees, hips, low back and even the neck. If there is a problem, it is often the case other parts of your body can also be affected. For example, someone with plantar fasciitis may find that after a couple weeks of walking abnormally to reduce pressure on their foot, their knees, hips or low back may start to ache.

Common Symptoms

  • Tenderness under the balls of the foot
  • Limited range of motion in one or more of the toes
  • Swelling or bruising on the top and/or bottom of the foot or toes
  • Difficulty bearing weight on the affected foot
Common Conditions That Cause Foot Pain

Internal Scar Tissue

Internal Scar Tissue is a thick, tough, fibrous material that the body creates to quickly repair a damaged tissue such as muscles and tendons. It can build up in any area of the body where there has been internal and/or external damage. Internal Scar tissue is a very common cause of recurring or chronic pain after sport or work injuries, after surgery and it also often intermixes with Osteoarthritis.

Visit our Internal Scar Tissue Page to learn more.

Plantar Fasciitis

This is the most common cause of heel and foot pain. Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury to the tissues connecting your heel bone to your toes that support the arch of your foot, causing inflammation and pain.

Visit our Plantar Fasciitis Page to learn more.


Pain and inflammation in the ball of your foot. May be caused by activities such as walking or running, but may also be caused by poor fitting shoes or standing on your feet for long periods of time.

Morton’s Neuroma

Swollen or thickened nerve in the ball of your foot that causes sharp or burning pain that can travel to your toes. Wearing tight fitting shoes or prolonged pressure on the ball of your foot can aggravate this condition.

Stress Fracture

Partial or complete break in one of the bones of the foot or ankle from repetitive stress such as running, jumping or dancing.


Pain from a gout attack is caused by urate crystals that form around the joint(s). The most common joint for this to occur in is the big toe.

Visit our Gout Page to learn more.


Progressive wear and tear on the joint, causing the cartilage that acts as a lubricant and shock absorber to break down, eventually resulting in bone-on-bone grinding. This condition also affects the muscles around the joint, causing them to become weak, tight, painful and prone to tearing.

Visit our Osteoarthritis Page to learn more.

Cold Laser Therapy for Foot Pain

Cold Laser Therapy Foot Pain Treatment: Step 2

Cold Laser Therapy Foot Pain Treatment: Step 3

Decreases Inflammation: Speeds up the body's natural inflammation phase and induces the repair phase of healing.

Removes Internal Scar Tissue: Inhibits and removes Internal Scar Tissue that naturally forms after an injury and can cause discomfort and a delay in healing.

Regenerates Muscle Tissue: Transfers light energy to the affected cells of muscle, regenerating and strengthening damaged muscle tissue to prevent future injury.

Activates Cartilage Production: Promotes the natural cartilage growth process by increasing the production of cellular energy (ATP).

Accelerates Bone Repair: Simulates the bone cells to replicate and produce new healthy bone tissue.

Nerve Regeneration: Helps damaged nerves to recover by growing the neural network and repairing vital insulation around the nerve.

Stimulates Blood Flow: Increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients required for healing of the affected cells.

Visit our Cold Laser Therapy Page to learn more about how the treatment works.